Legacy Prayer Guide
· Future of Radius Church
· Wisdom over Leadership Team
· Protection & Health over the people that attend Radius Church
· Future Building
· Healing of our nation
· Elected Officials
3 Legacy Lanes:
1. Local - We love Skagit Valley and believe that God has called us to be a light of hope and be a life-giving ministry in our area. We have continued through this season of financial strain to feed the hungry and help those that are less fortunate.
2. National - This year we would like to assist in helping rescue those children abused and left behind by the cult led by Warren Jeffs as we partner and help the Dream Center in Colorado City as they bring these women & children hope.
More info about Dream Center at Colorado City https://adventureyourlife.org/about-the-hike/the-cause/
3. Radius - This offering accelerates the vision that we share here at Radius— to increase our online quality and presence, to create a bigger, better and safer Children’s Ministry area and finally prepare for a future building site.
Prayer Requests
I would like to ask for prayers, I am filled with constant anxiety and stress over this virus and my husband is not worried about it at all. He is high risk and chooses not to take any warnings seriously. We are living in a divided household, and a divided marriage with regards to this virus.
I have identified as Christian since I was a child. I am now reconnecting with Jesus and am looking to deepen my understanding of Him. I want to live a life of faith and have real relationship with God. My husband is not a religious man. He does not believe in God. I want his heart to be open to Jesus. I am also really struggling with being a loving peaceful parent. My patience is thin and my daughter is a very strong willed person. I want peace for my relationship with her. I want to raise her in such a way that she feels love and knows the importance of respect for others. I also want to raise two faith filled children. My relationship with God helped throughout my life so much. I want my children to have a great relationship with Him.
me and my family just recently got diagnosed with covid. Can you keep me and my kids in your prayers. Thanks
Please pray my husband to find a job. His job ended 4/1/20. He was able to work for the census for a couple of months.
My aunt is going to be having surgery on her heart at the end of the month. She is also starting to have memory loss.
Could I please have prayer for my finance/Girlfriend - I don't know where we stand right now. We've both been struggling with our relationship and its not been good and bills and I just lost my new job that I was very happy with. I'm about to lose my place too. I may become homeless and breakup. But most of all I'm struggling with another issue I've been struggling with for 15 years - I was going good all the way up to a week ago. So I need prayer to find God again.
prayers for finances
Multi heartbreaks in recent months; feels distant from God, needs His comfort & courage;
wife just diagnosed with lymphoma, asks for courage & hope
financial relief from bills, from the pandemic
Wife’s health; for our nation
son has the croup
prayer request for all the families that have been affected by Covid and the consequences from covid
my dear dear friend has cancer and it's spreading. He goes in for his port on Wednesday and first round of chemo on Friday. He is frail but I'm trying to be hopeful. This is my first time being around cancer and need to be strong for him. If you could please pray for him I'd appreciate it. I'm a new Christian and need all the prayers I can get. Thank you so much.
Prayer request for my husband. Life right now is overwhelming and pain is gaining control. God did not bring us this far to leave us. I trust his plan, I pray he does also
My husband and I have been praying for a home with more property for quite a while. We are now in a position to possibly buy one and we need guidance. We have the opportunity to buy a home that needs a lot of work but has a lot of potential. The project is out of our comfort zone. Please pray that gods hands are in all of it.
Just wanted to check in and thank you for your faithful prayers for your church community over the past couple of months, and for being so inclusive to those of us who don't live in Skagit Valley. During one of the COVID Thursday prayer sessions, you prayed specifically for businesses, and I want to report that He heard. I had 5 big things on my list that were burdening me. They needed to be completed and checked off my radar. I am now down to one item, which has been a relief, and God has shown himself to be faithful and prospered me despite all the marketplace weirdness. Prayers as I move through the last thing on my list, it involves really focusing in and transitioning to a singular revenue stream for my business. A little scary, but I am ready, and HE has made it clear that now is the time. God bless you guys
prayer request for her able to get finances in order and also to find a tenant for her apt so she can move
prayer for health
PRAISE!! Mom had a fall in August and she has recovered nicely and now she is doing GREAT!!
niece is going through something bid (didn't indicate what) she is asking for prayers for her, her family and her own family
unemployed - having difficult time finding job (i can so relate)..i prayed with her, but she would like to be added to the church prayer list
continued prayer list for recovery from surgery and stroke
having a lot of anxiety
Prayer: For our families that are doing online school, and trying to hold down jobs at the same time. For confusion for the younger generation and directions for parents to help. Trying to remember that Jesus Christ is Lord and in control. Amen
My old mountain town of Big Creek CA is surrounded by wildfires, the town is evacuated. I have talked to three families that I know there. They are really stressed. They need prayer that they will have homes and jobs to go back to.
Very dear friend of ours is needing prayer for mental breakdown and hospitalization last night.
My girlfriend is in ICU. Pray for her to heal and come back home to her family. Thank you and God bless you all!
I am a single dad of two, working full time. I'm in the process of a drawn out divorce with someone who is an addict. Despite positive drug tests, the courts are allowing more and more time with their mom. I'm praying mom will get clean for the kids and so I can have a manageable life. I met someone that I care deeply about, but the chaos and stress of my life makes it impossible to give the full attention they deserve. School is starting and I have no idea how to manage that, my kids are suffering, I am working, and my heart hurts. I need prayers for resolve and wisdom to make the right decisions to make it to the other side of this.
Friend’s son is in California is going through a period of medical tests to see if he us physically able to go through a surgery that might repair a now failing surgery to repair his heart. Please pray for his healing and for her to receive comfort and acceptance in whatever God's will is.
Please pray for me to get out of this depression. It has hit me hard again and I’m praying constantly but I don’t feel God in this. I don’t want to feel this way anymore. Each day is a struggle and nothing has been working.
Please keep my dad’s side of the family in prayer! My granddad passed away this morning. As expected, emotions and tensions are a little high, especially amongst my dad, his brother, and sister.
Friend is in the hospital with Covid-19. Her husband has it too. Please be praying for them.
My daughter is only 9, she isnt doing well with her emotional health. She has been having suicidal thoughts and telling everyone she wants to die. She is so young, it hurts to see her like this and not be able to help.
Please keep me in prayer. Today is the first time in 6 months I'm really having a craving for alcohol and I'm scared to leave my house.
Please pray for my friend Steve, just found out he has cancer. He turns 70 day..
My brother passed away last night unexpectedly. Please be praying for our family.
please pray for me and the doctors. I was diagnosed today with bradycardia which is a heart condition. I have had some troubles before but this is new. Praying that the test results are quick, accurate and I will not be in need of a pacemaker. Also, the evil one is attacking at all sides and bringing up old demons. I pray for a healthy heart, no heart attacks and renewed health. Thank you all so much, it means so much to me!!